Friday, May 11, 2012

Blog 8: Response

       I stumbled upon Lee Mitchell's commentary, "Should the drinking age be lowered again?" I agree with his argument. What's the difference between being able to drink at 21 and not at 18? Once you turn 18, you're an adult and as an adult, you should be able to do whatever you'd like, and that includes drinking. As Mr. Mitchell said, "At 18 you are old enough to vote, get married, make your own economic decisions, and even be prosecuted as an adult," If you have the right to make those decisions at the age of 18, then you should have the right to legally consume alcohol.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Helicopters, Fewer Troops to Patrol Border

I found an article on the Texas Tribune and It talks about removing most of the National Guard troops from the southern boarder. They federal government says they'll be removing about 900 National Guard troops, leaving them with about 300, in place of surveillance helicopters for a more aerial strategy. Border congressmen Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, and Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, both strongly agree with this decision because it's cost-effective and efficient. I agree with them as well. Now that we have the, OH-58 Kiowa helicopters, UH-72 Lakota helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, such as the RC-26, we don't really need that many National Guard troops out there anyway. We have technology and we need to use them to make it more effective. If any of the aerial helicopters spot anything suspicious, then they'll deploy the troops in that area. It's a good thing that we're decreasing the number of troops. We don't need to spend that much money on bringing in more troops. Now that we have these helicopters, they can see everything that's happening, where it's happening and once they see some activity, they'll just deploy National Guard troops and they'll take care of it. With the technology we have today, we need to use them to our own advantage.